
تهران، خیابان آزادی

شماره تلفن




کد پستی


شماره فکس




The U.S.S. Permeameter
The U.S.S. Permeameter The U.S.S. Permeameter

The U.S.S. Permeameter

The U.S.S. Permeameter accurately measures the porosity and gas permeability (helium or nitrogen) of the core sample under the confining pressure conditions of the reservoir. The main components of this device include a core holder with quick core release capability, pressure transducer, control valves, and data collection and computer calculation center

توضیحات محصول

Determination of gas permeability is based on the pressure drop method (Falloff) in unsteady state and the volume of the empty space of the rock using the Boyle's law
Features :
1- Permeability measurement range: 0.001 MiliDarcy to 1 Darcy
2-Core diameter: 1.5 inches
3-Core length: up to 3 inches
4- Porosity measurement range: up to 60%
5- Flow pressure: up to 250 psi 
6-confining pressure: up to 6000 psi
7-Accuracy of the pressure sensor: 0.08% of the full scale
8-Temperature: Ambient