
تهران، خیابان آزادی

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Disrupting the American oil embargo game with offshore refineries

30 مهر 1401

The development of the refinery industry in Iran has been on the development path for many years, and the result has been 9 oil refineries and one gas condensate refinery. Quantitative and qualitative development plans are being implemented in Iran's oil refineries, and recently, Iran's first heavy oil refinery has been put into operation on Qeshm Island.


80 mini refineries owned by the private sector are active in Iran, and several large refinery projects have been launched, the exploitation of each of which in the future can be a turning point in the development of this industry for the country.In addition to this huge developing capacity, the 13th government implemented the "offshore refineries shareholding" plan with the aim of creating a market for crude oil and providing access to new refining capacities at a minimal cost.

In this project, by issuing technical and engineering services in the refining industry of crude oil and gas condensate, Iran has undertaken refining projects that need to be completed, improved, modernized and developed in other countries, and while meeting the technical and engineering needs and activating the mentioned refineries, the shareholder of this It becomes refineries.

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