
طهران ، شارع آزادي

رقم الهاتف


البريد الإلكتروني


الرمز البريدي


رقم الفاكس




The dean stark
The dean stark

The dean stark

The dean stark extractor is used for determine fluid saturation of core samples. the soxhelt distillation extraction method. it could utilization for dissolve and extract oil and brain from rock core sample by solvents. The core samples are placed in extraction soxhelt and heating mantle which are energized to boil the solvent in the flask

وصف المنتج

The clean distilled vapors (and water) rise to the top of the unit where they are condensed and fall back into the soxhelt’s chamber. The condensed water is controlled in volumetrically calibrated receiving tube. The clean solvent returns to boiling flask along with any petroleum product that is removed from core sample.

Features : 

1-Core sample diameter: up to 4”
2-core sample length: up to request
3-Boiling flask: up to 5000 cc
4-extractor capacity: up to 5000 cc
5-Receiving tube: up to request
6-Heating system: up to 450 c
7-Water cooling system is included